Friday, April 29, 2011

28 Months Later - Boyles Last Stand?

28 Weeks later made its debut in 2007. With a build up of an unexpected cult following in the United States, and the United Kingdom, Fox Atomic, an ofshoot of Fox Films,  decided to give a green light on the sequal to this great film. Many tactics were used to market the next film in London, and viral marketing on the internet on a global scale. Having seen that the first film was created on a low budget, 5,000,000 pounds.. with a return of 64 million worldwide... Fox Atomic approved the use of five times the original movies budget.

With viral Marketing such as fake removable Graffiti in London, which is considered legal that had plastered on many suburbian walls, and commercial buildings alike paired with Biohazard Sign projections being displayed on the " White Cliffs of Dover " The White Cliffs of Dover are cliffs which form part of the British coastline facing the Strait of Dover and Franceto draw in a whole new audience to continue the zombie saga.
However, with the original cast being wrapped up with other projects, like Cillian Murphey, many detail oriented fans of the film could already forsee the climax of this franchise already on its knees. With many interviews though with MTV, and other stations Danny Boyle has stated that this film is in consideration, and the plot to the film has been thought out. Since the success of the first film, and the bickering between the two parties of the second film it almost seems that this franchise might not make it. I beg to differ, this multimillion dollar grossing film will go on to spawn another film, but under what pretense? The pretense, ha, this is about the after math of the sequal. The plague has broken the corridors once again, and was implied to have spread all over the globe. This is what my belief on the premise which the next film will be based.
Cilliam Murphey was the bread and butter of the first film, which spawned this neo Zombie, independent fetish. The feat of running zombies, a discombobulated coma patient, and the beutiful scenery of London gone awry and empty were the bait that drew us in. So what is in store for us if we are to move on to see a trilogy. That is easy of course.
Cast ( If done right )
Cillian Murphey
Natalie Portman
Alex DeLarge
Michelle Rodriguez

Okay this is only speculation but this is a small sample of the cast that i'd put into place.

Plot: With these unknowing survivers of the mass plague sweeping the globe, it has come to the attention of the survivers that international forces are no longer intertwined. Borders have been set, and new refuge centers have been placed in odd locations in Switzerland, South America, Great Plains in the United States, and the Sahara Dessert. Out comes Cillian Murphey, having been rescourceful and seeing the planes crossing over Britain makes it to a desolate unrecognized gathering camp in Ireland. After encountering ex United States forces ( Michelle Rodrigues ) they esacape via fugitive means to Switzerland, meeting the young beautiful scientist ( Natalie Portman ) After an explosion gone wrong, they are forced to abandon the pseudo CDC center in the alps, and must move along with the possible cure to the sahara dessert, where there missing link lies within an almost extinct scorpion. Realizing that the last functional facility is left in the midwest United States, they must make a daring mission across the atlantic via pirate confiscated ships, and make a journey through the ruins of New York City. After traveling via an underground cure unit, they finally arrive to find the defacto government of the United States wants to confiscate the cure, and manufacture it themselves for world supremacy. With the help of unknowing partners, and the will to produce the cure against Rage... they fight forces beyond their imagination, and make it past a worldwide waste land to save the human race

Of course this is all opinion. Comment if you like. Have a good Night

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